Visit of Guangdong FAO Delegation to PCI
Source : Pakistan China Institute (PCI) Date : 09-11-2014 By : PCI Reporter
Pakistan-China Institute hosted the 6-member delegation from the Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) including Deputy Director General, Mr. Li Jian; Director, Mr. Huang Guoping; Deputy Director and Journalist of Nanfang Daily, Mr. RongMinghehang and journalists from Guangdong TV on November 09, 2014 under the Chairmanship of Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed. Executive Director Mustafa Haider Sayed was also present at the occasion and gave a warm welcome to the delegation.
Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed briefly introduced the guests with the objectives and scope upon which Pakistan-China Institute is working on. He admired the efforts of the leadership of China to strengthen bilateral relationship with Pakistan by highlighting the recent visit of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to Beijing and appreciated Chinese investment of worth 42 billion dollars to all sectors of Pakistan especially energy and infrastructure. He also revered President Xi Jinping’s initiative of Asian Development Bank and labeled it as productive stride for the whole region.
Chairman accentuated the significance of Guangdong’s linkage to Gwadar Port and showed his high expectations from this shortest route in terms of improving economic and trade relationship between the two countries.
For advancement in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and other areas of economic cooperation; Chairman Mushahid Hussain Sayed suggested three proposals upon which Guangdong FAO and Pakistan-China Institute can work in collaboration with each other.
1. A joint research project on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Maritime Silk Road underlining the win-win cooperation for Guangdong and Pakistan in terms of business, economy, culture and education sectors.
2. The presentation of the results and proposals of that Joint Research Project in a Seminar; inviting bigger corporations to bond ties of business and development for further projects.
3. A Joint Documentary Project of Guangdong TV and Pakistan-China Institute with the name of "From Gwadar to Guangdong", enlightening the Maritime Silk Road Project's importance for Gwadar in Pakistan and for Guangdong in China.
Deputy Director General, Mr. Li Jian appreciated the proposals presented by Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed and acknowledged the work PCI is doing. He presented his hopes to work in cooperation with PCI in the long run for the welfare and enhancement of people to people contact, in all areas particularly defense and diplomacy, education and energy, economy and environment as well as to promote business and corporate ties between Pakistan and China.
Towards the end, Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed thanked the delegation and all participants for a healthy discussion and dialogue.